Yazhou Li


Eng 408

London E1 4NS

I’m a third-year PhD student at C4DM (Center for Digital Music), Queen Mary University of London, in AIM (Artificial Intelligence and Music) project, supervised by Joshua Reiss and Lin Wang. Previously, I earned my bachelor degree from Beihang University, majoring in Computer Science and Technology.

My research interests lie in spatial audio and room acoustics. My PhD project is “Placing Virtual Objects in Acoustic Scenes”.


Nov 16, 2023 Glad to attend ADC 2023!
Sep 26, 2023 Glad to attend UK Acoustics Network Summer School in Imperial College London!
Aug 3, 2023 Our paper “Impact of mismatched room acoustic modeling on transaural reproduction with loudspeaker arrays” is accepted by AES NY 2023!

selected publications

  1. AES
    Impact of mismatched room acoustic modeling on transaural reproduction with loudspeaker arrays
    Yazhou Li, Lin Wang, and Josh Reiss
    In Audio Engineering Society Convention 155, 2023