
General Information

Full Name Yazhou Li
Research Interests Spatial Audio, Room Acoustics
Languages Chinese, English


  • 2021 - present
    Ph.D. in Computer Science
    Center for Digital Music, Queen Mary University of London
    • Advised by Joshua Reiss and Lin Wang
  • 2017 - 2021
    B.S. in Computer Science
    SHENYUAN Honors College, Beihang University
    • GPA, 3.74/4


  • 2021 - present
    Research Assistant
    Center for Digital Music (C4DM), Queen Mary University of London
    • binaural and personal audio reproduction using loudspeaker arrays with room acoustics modelling
  • 2020/11 - 2021/6
    Research Assistant
    Speech and Hearing Research Center (SHRC), Peking University
    • advised by Tianshu Qu
    • spatial principal components based individual HRTFs model using 3D head meshes
  • 2020/1 - 2020/6
    Research Assistant
    P.C. ROSSIN College of Engineering & Applied Science, Lehigh University
    • advised by Yahong Rosa Zheng
    • GPU profiling for autonomous driving

Teaching Assistant

  • 2023
    • ECS764A - Applied Statistics
    • ECS602U/ECS707P - Digital Signal Processing
  • 2020
    • DSCI 421 - Accelerated Computing for Machine Learning
    • ECE 350/450 - Introduction to Robotic Perception and Computer Vision